KanKan '19

↑ Read the full documentation of KanKan here ↑

Project Description

“KanKan” is an individually built device, from scratch*, to aid Japanese language learners like myself through converting Japanese Kanji charcaters to Japanese Katakana characters. KanKan utilizes Optical Character Recognition by taking pictures of the printed Japanese kanji text, and returns on an LCD screen the same word but expressed in the phoneticized Katakana Japanese characters . For this product, I used a combination of the Tesseract OCR platform, a PCB designed by me including an ATMega, a RPI, a RPI Camera Module, and an LCD screen. The primary computer language used for coding was python. KanKan was displayed and live demoed at the MIT Media Lab, and received the praise and recognition of Media Lab Professor Neil Gershenfeld.

Project Keywords

  • Product Design
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • 3D printing
  • Printed Circuit Board Design
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Python & Database refinment

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